Monday, December 14, 2009


This would be my first entry. Hi, its me sLax, weLL this is what my friends caLL me, so u can caLL me sLax too. I'm here writing because my friend Vix inspired me to blog. She has one too, check hers out here i had always wanted to blog but i never really did. I do Like to write, ive been published before, nothing huge just some poetry.

I am 26 year oLd Lesbian [oh no i said Lesbian, haha] bout turn 27 on Feb. 16th, WOW! VEGAS!!!! LoL. No really. This makes me an aquarius, woo hoo. I was born in LA, GarfieLd Medical Center if im correct. Don't know what time. I Live with my gf and our roommate who is a guy, sorry boys he's actually str8! I am an only child but i do have 6 other siblings, i'm the oldest. My parents divorced when i was 3, i think. I never saw my mom after that again. My mom was an addict and an alcoholic, so i was told. I guess my dad decided that wasn't the life for me, so he took me away and it was just us. He worked all the time so he would drop meoff with my grandma at my aunts house. My grandma practically raised me. I grew up with all my boy cousins. It was the best!

My dad eventually re-married and had 2 children, a boy and a girl. I was happy, i was 8 when my brother was born and 2 years later my little sister was born! I finally had someone to boss around and hang out with! Ill blog bout them more as time goes on.

My Step Mom and i never really got along, i always thought she just used my dad to come over to the US but i cant prove that yet. LoL. It was tough growing up with her, we always fought and i always talked shit. I was mean, really mean. Oh well,shes still around so i guess i didn't do a good job huh? Now we get along good. I'm older and i have come to realize that she was part of my life for many years, despite our fights and struggles i knw shes a good person and has taken care of my dad. For that i'm greatful.

Ok, so for the most part that's a preview of my life. Any questions? Don't worry there is more to come, lots more. The Lesbian Life is quite an adventure right Vix? =]

bye for now!


1 comment:

  1. Wow babe, very interesting, thanks for the shot out, & I look forward to following your blog.
