Saturday, March 13, 2010

CAUTION! drink responsibLy

Hello aLL. its been a good minute since ive posted a blog. Ive been busy, the cLub, which by the way i dont think ive mentioned, well i host/promote/co-own [cLub] CAUTION (and i am part of Intense Productions, which produces CAUTION) as u can see over to the right of my profiLe there is a fan widget, feeL free and cLick on it and become a fan! =)

So, Lets go back in time. I had asked my mom to make me some pozole for my bday, as i do every year! This was on Saturday 2/13 and so i invited my famiLy over to my house, my aunts came and sum of my cuzns. And of course my bff's. After my famiLy left it was time to bring it up a notch! We made some calls and everyone came over and we continued the party with sum Beer Pong and Flip a Cup. Sooooo fun!

we Lost! But we aLL had a great time!

Then Sunday was Vday, so i got my babe sum stuff. And then dinner at Wood Ranch and her other present. It was a necklace with her favorite charm. A key with a heart! =D

My bday was 2/16 it was a tues and my babe pLanned surprise bday dinner for me, but it faiLed cuz wheN we waLked into the restauraNt i saw 2 of our friendS at the bar. They tried to hide but i was Like oh its p and shaN, LoL then i knew thaT every1 eLse was probabLy there! bUt either way, it was a great dinner. Thanks every1. And thanks babe for makin it possibLe ur the BEST! =)

Then THE BIG DAY CAME! Saturday 2/20/10 the night of [cLub] CAUTION! My bday ceLebration didnt end! I was ALso going to celebrate my bday at the cLub, i was GONE! i was acting CrrrrrAzy, IT WAS A GREAT NIGHT........xcepT i cant remember much of it. I had drinks coming to me from friends aLmost the whoLE night, thnx guys! and i was acting pimp aLL night with the money...LMFAO! omg, so funny n shamefuL..... =/

Everything was great and dandy, untiL about 1245am. I walked over to the front door to check on the peopLe who were stiLL coming in, and i dont know what happened, but i feLL and a bottLE of CORONA broke! The gLass went fLying everywhere, and it unfortunateLy cut my foot! BAD! I hadnt reaLized it, I wasnt in pain or anything, I just thought "oh shit, my draUnk ass feLL...hahahah" People heLped me up and one of my friends feLt her hands wet, she thought it was beer but when she Looked at her hands under the Light she saw bLood! I was actually on my way back to the dance fLoor, hahaha, when she stopped me and toLD kurLs "shes bLeeding!!"

They sat me down and inspected me and the cut was on my left foot right between my big toe and my heeL. There was so much bLood everywhere! puddLes and traiLs. My friend was covered in my bLood. Then to make things worse, the Police got caLLed. Not just one cop car but 6 Plus 2 heLLicopters, SWAT, The Army and The Air FOrce.....ok, im kidding but the hellicopters did come thru. Im sure they thought the worst since there was bLood everywhere. So, my friends rushed me to the car and took me to the ER, and on the way there i was throwing up Like there was no tomorrow! (Which btw, sorry to my bFf sandy, cuz my throW up was ALL OVER her caR! i owe hEr!) but apparentLy i was being a drunk, hahha and i refused to get treated at the ER by the doctor so they said if she refuses we cant treat her. Ok, but wait, the only reason i was refusing was becuase i had just Lost my insurance therfore, i did not want to be stuck with a big ass biLL. I thought the cut wasnt bad i didnt feel anything, but i was drunk so....pweezy and kurLs were sLApping me at the ER, i know right, i had a cut foot and a swoLLen face, hahah. We left the ER and they kept me in the car whiLe the cLub ended.

Hours LAter, i started to feeL the pain! FinaLLy we got to my friends house and they cLeaned my cut. I SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER!!! Dont reaLLy cLearLy remember but i do remember some pain! The next day, 2/21 Sunday, I was dying. Had a bad hangover, i was throwing up and i couldnt walk! Finally my babe and i went home, i couldnt stand the pain anymore so i caLLed my insurance to see what was up and turns out it was stiLL active!! LOL, i know right, so we went to the ER and it was AWEFUL!

Here is my bLoody cut foot! hahha i couldnt walk for a week and i had to wear a boot to reLEase the pressure when i waLked.

WHAT A GREAT BDAY WEEKEND!!!!! Cant wait tiL next year!

bye for now,


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